Friday, May 3, 2013

Studying the Work of Adolf Bernd

The Calligraphy Guild of Indiana recently hosted Peter Thornton for a workshop studying the work of Adolf Bernd. Peter Thornton has been a professional calligrapher for over 40 years, and has taught throughout the world. I have enjoyed taking many workshops from the inimitable English penman.

This workshop was one I had wanted to take for years. All of the items in the photo above were used during the busy one day session on Bernd. The paint, the brush, the rock - getting a color palette from something from nature. The flyer depicts the decorative letters we've seen for years, not the Adolf Bernd letters as shown in the out of print book on Bernd's work. Silly me! I had expected to get the Bernd letters rather than the Thornton/Kiesel letters I've done before. Instead, Peter focused on the color palettes from nature. Subtle color palettes such as seen in rocks.
This is the now out of print book by Peter on the work of Adolf Bernd.
Jo Miller posted about her Bernd workshop with Peter here. She concentrates on the color studies we also did. Artist Elizabeth Tipton shared her more brightly colored take on the lettering in this blogpost after she and our friend Donna had this workshop. Here are two samples of Peter's.

My great friend and travel-mate Diana did these:

Here is my G, done as a gift for a friend.
It was a fun getaway day with friends, and always fun to see Peter again. When I have time, though, I want to try some of the Bernd style letters that I was hoping to try.

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