Thursday, February 16, 2012

Monogram, Pretty Mail, Certificates, and a Bible Inscription

This is a monogram I designed for a couple getting married later this year.

I've designed a few monograms and like it more each time. I am going to work on a monogram for myself, I think, and also a monogram for my son and soon to be daughter in law.

This is some recent mail. Clockwise from bottom left, the envelopes are from fellow calligraphers Kathy Laporte, Kathy Milii, Jody Meese and Jean Wilson. Pretty!

I recently filled in names, titles and dates on these certificates. I like designing certificates, but happily do fill ins like these too.

This Bible inscription was done as a Christmas gift.


  1. Love love love this monogram! & pleasantly surprised to see my envelope, though dismayed to see I mucked up your address. Sigh. Thanks for including it anyway!

  2. Such treasures. All this beautiful, artful lettering...yum
