Friday, June 24, 2011

Good Mail Day! (And Love Locks)

It's a great day when the mailman brings no bills, just good mail! Here's a sample of the good mail I received Wednesday. A fat envelope containing a pen and a fun thank you card from Laurie Doctor, and a fanciful envelope with a handmade card and note from Donna Hacker.

Donna's card had a photo she took from her recent trip to Italy. The photo depicts 'love locks'. She said all over Europe (and according to Wikipedia in the link above, elsewhere too) people are attaching locks to public fixtures, especially in romantic spots. Others come along and attach a lock to the same object or to the attached lock. The stack of locks grows with each addition. This locked 'bouquet' of locks happened to be in Verona. I was so intrigued by this practice that I Googled "love locks photo" and found many interesting examples. This may be a new form of graffiti.

Laurie's card has "Thank You" in chartreuse green printed on the front in her funky script style. So much fun to receive! The pen is going to be fun to experiment with too.

I spend a lot of time lettering envelopes for beautiful weddings. My mailbox tells me I need to send a few more gussied up envelopes to my friends. It's always so much fun to receive pretty mail.

1 comment:

  1. I want to go to Europe now and put a love lock somewhere <3. That's special.
